Gil and DeShawn say they want the Cavs.
LBJ compares himself to (member of the Turtle Club) Jay-Z and DeShawn to Soulja Boy. Cavs go up 2-0.
DeShawn invites Soulja Boy to Game 3 and the Wiz get back into the series.
LBJ rents out Love, home to Gil's epic birthday bash two years ago, and Jay-Z writes a song backing LBJ and the Cavs. Damon Jones gets on the mic and starts ripping into DeShawn.
The Wizards boycott Love and talk more shit. Cavs take a commanding 3-1 back to C-town.
DeShawn decides to say "Fuck it" and rock the Dogkiller in the Cleve.
Tuff Juice extends the series doing his best LeBron. Cavs 3-2, back to Chocolate City.
Eddie Jordan used the word swag (verb meaning swagger).
And now local rapper Pro'Verb has written an anthem for Game 6: here
I'm giving serious consideration to buying/making a Nickolai Volkoff Bullets jersey.
I'm giddy for tonight.
It's going to be a great Game 6. No question.
AMAZING series. My prediction for tonight:
The greatest tag team brawl will occur; greater than Hill-Billy Jim and midgets vs King Kong Bundy and "evil midgets"......Pesh and Songaila vs Ilgauskas and Varejao. I would be EPIC. I imagine Szcerbiak would be the cheerleader/girl that holds up the round number signs.
One last thought. The Pro'Verb anthem is ok, but why didn't T. Nesby step up and keep it in the Wiz family. He has SKILLS!
Do you think Ty was available?
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