First off, I got a Southwest chicken salad, which is a essentially normal garden salad but with spicy chicken and a bag of Fritos dumped on top. McDonald’s you’ve done it again!
Next, the hobo congregation both in- and out-side of McDonald’s is really unchallenged. This one particularly rank dude in the line in front of me orders a side salad and large fries (huh?). He then proceeds to take the top off the side salad, while at the counter, and remove every tomato and questionable piece of lettuce directly onto the counter. While doing this (and holding up the line behind him) he asks the cashier “would you believe me if I told you I’ve seen The Rock?”
The Hispanic dude behind the counter gives him a blank stare.
“Yup, Dwayne Johnson…. one time I saw him in person”. (he continues to place brown lettuce on the counter).
He gets progressively louder and louder “MOST PEOPLE WOULDN’T HAVE GUESSED T

It’s unclear why he was getting so loud? Perhaps he was hoping a Dwayne Johnson-fan was within ear-shot and would put him up for a night or two?
Regardless, McDonald’s, with its corn chip salad and demented clientele, plans to be frequented more often by yours truly.
While I can't smell what The Rock is cooking, I do smell BO and urine...
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